Family of the Future - Part 2
Irrelevant Side-Issue Taking Center Stage I've posted a blog about ideas how a Family of the Future might look, which might provide a better way of dealing with big problems around illness, elder-care, and such. Here's that post . There's one question, that I am asked immediately when I mention these ideas in a conversation: what is included in the “shared activities”? What they always really are asking about is physical intimacy. Who is allowed to sleep with whom? My answer are two questions: Why is physical intimacy so different than any other activity? Only answer that I can come up with is the life-long brainwashing we received from early childhood on, to get us to think physical intimacy means so much other than what it really means. Take all the “emotions and believes” away for the moment (and, leave the biological necessity of this activity to ensure the survival of the species aside, too): physical intimacy is a way how you can show and share your love of so...