Quantity or Quality
Nature is based on scarcity. Scarcity of food, water, growing season, mating partners, territory, and so much more. Our instincts are setup to make us focus on getting what is scarce, and to take as much as we can get. So, people who are functioning on the animal level are into bigger house, more money, more clothes and shoes, more power, fame, and everything else: more, more, more! However, we can go beyond our instincts, and actually start living as a human - i.e. a combination of animal (that's just trying to survive and ensure the species' survival) and spirit (who came to this planet with a mission, trying to make a contribution, participate in the development of this creation). Once you do this, quantity is no longer a measure, nor goal, nor focus. Quality becomes the driving factor. Instead of having 50 pairs of shoes, you choose 5 or 6 high quality, ultra-comfortable ones. Instead of all-you-can-eat, you are looking for healthy food at small enough quantities to not ...