Myth: Soulmate the second half of your soul

 From childhood on we’re told that you have to find “The One”. The goal that’s portrait in every fairy-tale is to find “Your Prince(ss)” and then live happily ever after. 

“The One” is the second half of your soul; the person that is going to fulfill all your needs, dreams, and hopes; and it’s the only one who with whom this is possible.


Never are we reminded that we are supposed to be that for the other person as well. We’re never asked to work on our self, to prepare for this other person to come into our life, to acquire and practice skills needed to make a relationship work.

If none of us learn how to be “everything” for the other, how would that ever be possible? No wonder there are so many divorces!

Is it even feasible that one person could be “everything” for the other? In my experience it is not. It seems to me to be a myth, not a reality!

Why are we still holding on to this myth? 

Traditions. Wishful, delusional thinking. Life-long brainwashing, never questioned.


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