Myth: You Are Capable of Loving Only One Person
Another one of those fairy-tale messages that I find is misguiding and causing harm!
You find your “Prince Charming” or “Sleeping Beauty” and then you spend the rest of your life loving that one person, and only that one person. If you were to try to love somebody else too, it would take away from the love you have for your prince/ss.
Love is seen as a limited resource. You have only a certain quantity available, and if you were to split it among several people, each of them would get only a fraction.
I find, love is an infinite resource! The more you love, the more love you have available to give. Isn’t it strange? We want money to be like love is, but we do not allow ourselves to see love the way it is, but treat it as if it was like money!
Another interesting observation may be, that we obviously are capable of hating several people at the same time, but apparently are not capable of loving several people at the same time. Well, no wonder this world is so full of mayhem, hate, and turmoil, and so little peace and happiness!
I feel very connected to all the people on this planet. I see each person as body with a fellow soul in it. That should and my soul are from the same source, both came here to help with the continuation of this creation. What holds the two souls apart is only the physical body, the animal part of the person they are inhabiting.
I try to send positive, loving vibes out to everybody, and as much and as often as I can. And, whenever the Universe brings me into the life of somebody else, I try to allow the connection to happen, and I try to feel love towards the person. Often this is happening. Sometimes, especially when the other person is hostile towards me, or acting in a way that is experienced negatively by me, it is very difficult to do. But I still try to do it…
Obviously, there are a few persons in my life who I feel especially fond of. And sharing my love with them is much easier, and happening on a much more conscious and aware level. I can, in no way, find that my loving them was reduced due to loving more than one. The opposite is the case! I am more loving to me “loved ones” than ever before in my life!
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