Life - a puzzle of what image?
One of my favorite bloggers mentioned in a reply to a comment: "...I find that the older I get, the more my life is a puzzle and I am determined to try to fit the pieces together to avoid chaos and turbulence in my life."
It got me thinking...
I used this analogy already years back in my Tool of the Universe blog, but today, a new aspect of the analogy occurred to me:
Imagine, you're working on a huge puzzle - 10 million pieces or more. And, imagine, somebody told you it is a picture of a person (essentially: you). Whenever you look at a piece, obviously, you're trying to see how this piece is a part of the image of the person. Now, imagine further, that this puzzle is really not a picture of a person, but a photo-collage of anything of this beautiful world, a representation of everything and all there is to this whole world.
I think you immediately understand, how pieces that before made no sense, suddenly become meaningful and useful! What you discarded earlier because it didn't fit to the image of a person, now suddenly actually fits really well into what you have so far already! And, looking at what you have so far, it all makes so much more sense!
This is, essentially, what is happening to humans!
We have been told for 9000+ years that this world was created for us, that the goal of this life is for the soul to develop (or to prove to god you're suitable for paradise). Looking at so much of what is happening in the world, around us, with us, and to us, it is very difficult to see how this is helping the declared goal. Well, spoiler alert: it isn't!
If you turn this world-view around 180 degrees, instead of assuming it is all about us, it is my soul that wants and needs to develop, you assume it is about this world to develop, that your soul (and mine and everybody else's) is already perfect, is part of what some might call god, well, then most (if not all) previously hard to understand pieces suddenly become obvious and clear!
Try it!
For example:
Question: Why was I born to alcoholic parents?
If it was all about me, this would be really, really unfair to get started in this world like that!
If I were about it, if it was about the world developing, the answer to this question is much easier!
Alcohol has caused so much pain and suffering and destruction in this world. It is a situation that is in dire need of improvement.
If you have a heart problem, you're not going to a plumber. If you have a clogged toilet you don't call the car dealership! For each problem we have, we are looking to find an expert to help us with it.
When somebody gets born into a situation like this, they see form early childhood on how alcohol is preventing their parents from living a happy and meaningful life, how alcohol is controlling them, and what kinds of strategies, excuses, views, believes, and what not alcoholics develop to upkeep their denial. That child is an expert before it is even a teenager! As an expert, that person has a chance to contribute to the improvement of this situation. Through the experiences of this child it has become more likely that improvement in this area might happen, a solution is becoming more possible! The world can become a better place!
In my experience, most (if not all) questions that were previously impossible to find a satisfactory answer for, are now very easy to answer.
If you ask: "How is this benefitting my soul's development?" you're asking the wrong question. Just as when you're looking at a puzzle-piece asking how does that fit into the image of a person.
If you ask: "How is this benefitting the creation's development?" the answers and meaning and purpose is most often very obvious. Just as when you're looking at the same puzzle-piece asking how does it fit into a photo-collage of everything in the whole world...
Do you have a question for which you can't find the answer, a situation that you can't figure out the purpose? Try to ask the new question, and see what happens! Tell me about it, if you like...
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