
Chemistry or Commitment

So far, chemistry has been the most important factor in whether I pursued a relationship with a woman or not. There are many contributing factors to this "chemistry" thing! However, after all these years I still am not completely clear on what all factors are, and how it works (in me, not to talk about in others!) - even though I am always trying to analyze into the very details what is going on with me, and why, and how, and what! Lately, I have come to questioning, though, if chemistry is really that important, or that much of a good indicator. Since it is such a fickle thing, so unpredictable, so hard to influence, it is clearly not a guarantee for a relationship to continue, to develop, to turn longer term, and to function well.  What seems to be much better suited is commitment. It can easily be influenced, since it is not an emotional feeling, but an intellectual, rational decision. You decide to make your relationship a priority - higher than your emotional whims and t...

Life - a puzzle of what image?

 One of my  favorite bloggers  mentioned in a reply to a comment: "...I find that the older I get, the more my life is a puzzle and I am determined to try to fit the pieces together to avoid chaos and turbulence in my life." It got me thinking... I used this analogy already years back in my  Tool of the Universe blog , but today, a new aspect of the analogy occurred to me: Imagine, you're working on a huge puzzle - 10 million pieces or more. And, imagine, somebody told you it is a picture of a person (essentially: you). Whenever you look at a piece, obviously, you're trying to see how this piece is a part of the image of the person. Now, imagine further, that this puzzle is really not a picture of a person, but a photo-collage of anything of this beautiful world, a representation of everything and all there is to this whole world. I think you immediately understand, how pieces that before made no sense, suddenly become meaningful and useful! What you discarded earlie...

Quantity or Quality

 Nature is based on scarcity. Scarcity of food, water, growing season, mating partners, territory, and so much more. Our instincts are setup to make us focus on getting what is scarce, and to take as much as we can get. So, people who are functioning on the animal level are into bigger house, more money, more clothes and shoes, more power, fame, and everything else: more, more, more! However, we can go beyond our instincts, and actually start living as a human - i.e. a combination of animal (that's just trying to survive and ensure the species' survival) and spirit (who came to this planet with a mission, trying to make a contribution, participate in the development of this creation). Once you do this, quantity is no longer a measure, nor goal, nor focus. Quality becomes the driving factor.  Instead of having 50 pairs of shoes, you choose 5 or 6 high quality, ultra-comfortable ones. Instead of all-you-can-eat, you are looking for healthy food at small enough quantities to not ...

Stop focusing on what you want

 What?!? Why?!? Isn't that how you get what you want? Isn't that how you shape your future? Well, that's what a whole slew of self-help books and "spiritual guides" try to make you believe. In my experience, however, the "wants" are a very dangerous thing. They have the great potential of preventing you from receiving what is sent your way - basically, hindering your life! When mail arrives and you're waiting for a particular letter, chances are, that you put away all other letters without even looking at them carefully. There might be an invitation from an old friend to visit them on an island in the Caribbean - but you missed it, because you were so focused on only what you were looking for. Imagine you're in a hotel, in a long corridor of doors to various rooms. If you're set on getting into room number 135 you might be knocking on that door, even banging on it. But, if you're not supposed to get into this room, the door won't open...

Loneliness - Connection - Closeness

 Paolo Coelho, in his book Adultery, has the main character pondering that people, deep inside, have a loneliness that each of us is trying to deal with in the best way possible. I can not relate to much at all about this character, but this one aspect really triggered my thoughts. I am used to describe my "condition" as "wanting to experience always another deeper connection". But, looked at it from a different perspective, it is nothing but an existential loneliness, which is there, even when I am among loved ones, or among many people. No matter where I go, what I do, there is always this longing for linking up with another person, turning another stranger into a familiar person, getting to know somebody else, connecting to another soul.  I am convinced that all the spiritual ideas floating around the world have resulted from an experience of discomfort, followed by pondering, maybe even actions whose consequences are evaluated.  My choice of belief around "...

A Body With Two Heads

 There is this fable about souls having been split into two pieces through some event and scattered across the world, and since then, we're searching for the second half of our soul. And, once we find it, we're complete. Now, that sounds very, very romantic. But, in reality, it is rather nonsense! What if your soul's second part happened to be incarnated in a body of the "wrong" gender? Also, only fairly recently are we able to travel the world - and even today, most people don't make use of that freedom but stay fairly close to were they are from. But, aside of those logistical issues, there's a big problem many couples run into: when you merge two people into a single unit, you end up with a single body with two heads. We all appreciate when our partner takes on tasks that we are either not all too talented for, or not very excited about. But many people want to stay in charge of everything, and demand of the other to relinquish all control.  In a way, t...

Family of the Future - Part 2

  Irrelevant Side-Issue Taking Center Stage I've posted a blog about ideas how a Family of the Future might look, which might provide a better way of dealing with big problems around illness, elder-care, and such. Here's that post . There's one question, that I am asked immediately when I mention these ideas in a conversation: what is included in the “shared activities”? What they always really are asking about is physical intimacy. Who is allowed to sleep with whom? My answer are two questions:   Why is physical intimacy so different than any other activity?   Only answer that I can come up with is the life-long brainwashing we received from early childhood on, to get us to think physical intimacy means so much other than what it really means. Take all the “emotions and believes” away for the moment (and, leave the biological necessity of this activity to ensure the survival of the species aside, too): physical intimacy is a way how you can show and share your love of so...