Chemistry or Commitment
So far, chemistry has been the most important factor in whether I pursued a relationship with a woman or not. There are many contributing factors to this "chemistry" thing! However, after all these years I still am not completely clear on what all factors are, and how it works (in me, not to talk about in others!) - even though I am always trying to analyze into the very details what is going on with me, and why, and how, and what! Lately, I have come to questioning, though, if chemistry is really that important, or that much of a good indicator. Since it is such a fickle thing, so unpredictable, so hard to influence, it is clearly not a guarantee for a relationship to continue, to develop, to turn longer term, and to function well. What seems to be much better suited is commitment. It can easily be influenced, since it is not an emotional feeling, but an intellectual, rational decision. You decide to make your relationship a priority - higher than your emotional whims and t...